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Welcome  to Nations and Tribes,

Nations2Tribes is a site sharing Photo-essays and other resources about the Nations and Tribes of the world highlighting reflecting the diversity, beauty, people, dress, clothes, dignity, elegance and other aspects of culture.

This site is inspired by the beauty and diversity of indigenous cultures worldwide.  No one has a monopoly on beauty. Although there is a wide range of ornaments and ways of enhancing beauty our focus is on people wearing their traditional clothes and head-dresses.

Both nations and tribes may refer to a people who share a common  culture, race, language, history or other identity which differentiates them from others.  Both share a common sense of purpose and put the interests of the community above those of self-interest. In common parlance nations have a government, borders  and are usually larger and have a more organized infrastructure like economies and a military, compared to tribes which are perceived as smaller, ad-hoc and more primitive. A nation may be made up of several tribes like the Sioux Nation which was made up of seven tribes and each tribe was made up of sub-tribes

I created this site to share the photo-essays I have created. These are primarily photographs and I want to combine supplementing text and other resources to share the “one world” that we are all part of. Many nations and tribes, their rich culture and heritage are disappearing. We need to do whatever we can to support and maintain the cultural diversity of humanity and avoid the plague of homogeneity. We need to avoid the Mcdonaldization of society, where we are defined by or aspire to popular culture. We must make a conscious effort, to see, listen, feel the world and its beauty through its people.  Every nation and tribe has been divinely blessed with beauty, intelligence, ideas, and I hope through this small effort we can amplify this goodness one photo or story at a time.

There are around 370 million indigenous people in the world many who are denied human rights including  rights to culture, language, education, identity, employment and health.

This is a work-in-progress. I hope at some point in the future we can partner or network with individuals and organizations that will support  traditional cultures to reflect on their own beauty, power, dignity, courage, and strengths to counteract the adverse effect of popular culture and its slow elimination of hundreds of years of unique heritage.
Thank you.